
What would it take for #CurriculumSoWhite to stop trending?
Dr. Picower’s “Reading, Writing, and Racism” finds recognition again in Maggie Vandermeer’s article, “What would it take for #CurriculumSoWhite to stop trending?”
“In Reading, Writing, and Racism, Bree Picower draws numerous examples from #CurriculumSoWhite, categorizing them as “curricular Tools of Whiteness” and analyzing how they operate to uphold White supremacy. These examples are revelatory and have invoked viral outrage online, but Picower finds the usual response to them—disciplinary action against individual teachers who are seen as “bad apples”—to be missing the forest for the trees. Instead, she suggests, these examples are the tip of an iceberg of White supremacy in American education that is systemic, self-perpetuating, and all-encompassing.”

“Today, Bree Picower is a nationally recognized educator who trains teachers across the country and is published widely in academic journals. As a Professor at Montclair State University in the College of Education and Human Development, Bree’s scholarship focuses on issues of race, racism, and education. She credits Peace Neighborhood Center and all that she learned from Bonnie Billups and her summer camp colleagues with helping to shape both her perspective on race and the trajectory of her career.”
“Reading, Writing, and Racism,” is named one of the top five books that “Will Help Level Up Your School’s Professional Development.”
“Bree Picower’s “Reading, Writing and Racism” is a must-read, especially for white educators. In this book, Dr. Picower addresses how instances of overt racism appear in K-12 curricula and teaching practices. Additionally, she describes problematic strategies, which she defines as tools of whiteness, that teachers sometimes use that can be harmful or traumatizing for students of color and gives tips for how to avoid or correct those practices. She describes, in detail, how whiteness manifests itself in teacher preparation programs and the actionable steps that these programs must take to disrupt it. Additionally, she describes how white educators can evolve as social justice educators and use their positionality to be active co-conspirators for their BIPOC students and teacher colleagues.” – Kwame Sarfo-Mensah.

WINNER of Learning Ladders’ ‘Best Books for Educators Summer 2021
Learning Ladders is delighted to announce that Reading, Writing, and Racism: Disrupting Whiteness in Teacher Education and in the Classroom has won Learning Ladders’ ‘Best Books for Educators Summer 2021’ award.
The book was shortlisted alongside 40 other books from a long list of over 100 entries, and was chosen as the final winner.
The awards panel featured teachers, school leaders, and EdTech entrepreneurs including Learning Ladders’ founder, Matt Koster-Marcon, who is also Chair of the EdTech Special Interest Group at BESA. Educational books are a great CPD resource, providing inspiration, entertainment, and new ways of thinking about education. Visit the full list of recommended books, which cover topics such as wellbeing, educational leadership, and diversity and inclusion in schools.

Identity Talk with Kwame Sarfo-Mensah – Disrupting Whiteness in Teacher Education
Conversation between Kwame Sarfo-Mensah and Dr. Picower as she shares her personal journey in education.

Harvard EdCast – Disrupting Whiteness in the Classroom
Bree Picower discusses how educators can push back against whiteness embedded in the curriculum and classroom.

Woke AF Daily with Danielle Moodie – Beyond Back to Normal
Danielle Moodie discusses how to build a better tomorrow with Reading, Writing, and Racism author Bree Picower and National LGBTQ Task Force Executive Director Kierra Johnson.
Montclair Local

America to Me Real Talk Montclair Launches posted on April 5, 2020 by Rebecca Jones
“On the bill for speakers were Dr. Lloyd Talley, University of Michigan School of Social Work; MFEE Board Member Kamillah Knight; MSU Associate Professors Bree Picower and Tanya Maloney; and Vincent Deas, program director, New York City Men teach. Bess Nelly was the emcee.” Continue Reading.

New Urgency in ‘America to Me’ posted on June 19, 2020 by Rebecca Jones
“The initiative’s two facilitators, Montclair State University professors Dr. Tanya Maloney and Dr. Bree Picower, then hosted a panel discussion with “America to Me” series subjects — former assistant principal of Oak Park River Forest High School Dr. Chala Holland, teacher Jessica Stovall, and student Jada Buford.” Continue Reading.

MFEE To Kick Off Second Round of ‘America to Me: Real Talk Montclair’ on Sept. 30 posted on September 21, 2020 by the Baristanet Staff
“Watch Group participants engage in deep personal reflections around race and a broader understanding of systemic racial injustice using the films and other resources, like the podcast Nice White Parents, as common texts, and make connections to events in Montclair and the nation. At the September 30th event, Dr. Bree Picower and Dr. Tanya, Maloney, Montclair State University professors who co-created the curriculum and who train the Watch Group Leaders, will present an overview of the Watch Group process, and an invitation to sign-up to participate as a leader or member.” Continue Reading.
Georgetown Voice

Educators Shed Light On Curriculum Inequities posted on January 31, 2019 by Lorinda Ruz
“Dr. Bree Picower and Dr. Paul Gorski led a discussion on curriculum inequities and social justice based curriculum as part of a larger series on “Excellence and Identity in Education.”, The event was sponsored by the Program in Educational Transformation, a 12 month experiential education masters program. The discussion was presented on Jan. 25 to a mix of undergraduate and graduate students, along with education professionals.” Continue Reading.
Good Reason Radio

Bree Picower: Teaching Whiteness posted to Facebook on April 24, 2017
“When black kindergarteners are being expelled at higher rates, is there something that teachers could be doing better? Turns out, white teachers and their non-white students may be communicating on different wavelengths. Listen to more from Montclair State University‘s Bree Picower in our second special episode on education and inequality, Degrees of Separation” Continue Reading.
The Notebook

Author connects education to social justice posted November 30, 2012 by Charlotte Pope
“As a teacher-educator, Picower teaches classes on social justice and social studies curriculum development design, and prepares her students to enter elementary school classrooms with a cultural consciousness. Her current focus lies in examining the role that teacher education plays in the development of political analysis. The goal is to create a greater awareness and sharper inquiry into the political nature of education among teachers.” Continue Reading.
Literary Hub

Reading, Writing, and Racism: Disrupting Whiteness in Teacher Education and the Classroom
Picower (teaching and learning, Montclair State Univ.; Practice What You Teach) examines K–12 education in the United States and argues that it perpetuates systemic racist curricula. The author uses the “Curricular Tools of Whiteness,” a framework she developed, to explain how teaching practices can uphold white supremacy. Citing examples of racist lessons that have gone viral on social media, this book pinpoints two problems in teaching: lack of cultural proficiency, and the centering of Whiteness in education. Picower writes case studies of four pre-service teachers, who reflect on their own experiences with race and the influences of socialization, lack of exposure, and bias on their teaching. Picower also highlights particular pre-service teacher education programs in the U.S. that she believes effectively center racial justice, and discusses inclusive, responsive education practices that can lead to student learning, engagement, and success. Like Dr. Bettina Love’s Abolitionist Teaching and Dr. Gholdy Muhammad’s Cultivating Genius, this well-written, accessible book pushes educators to reexamine standard instructional practices.

What It Takes to Build an Anti-Racist Classroom posted January 27, 2021 by Bree Picower
“Disrupting Whiteness in teacher education requires an explicit, shared commitment among all stakeholders to center race and address racism. By Whiteness, I am not referring to white people per se—I am talking about ways of wielding power and privilege that maintain white supremacy.” Continue Reading.